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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Forgive Me

This is just to say I miss you.
Your voice,
Your presence,
Your attitude.
Each day is a struggle without you.
If I could speak to you one more time,
This is what I would say:
I miss you.
I love you.
I'm sorry.
Forgive me for all the things I said.
Forgive me for not going to the park with you everyday.
Forgive me for being embarrassed.
That time,
At the airport,
I didn't know it'd be the last.
If I could relive those days,
Everything would've been different.
The guilt is eating me alive.
It hurts to just remember.
You were the best!
I wish you could have seen my brother.
Mom says you would've been proud of me.
I wish I had time to say goodbye 
And see you one last time.

~Albina M.

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